Who can join the Disaster Response Corps?
Joining DR Corps FAQs
Q: Does Joining DR Corps make me contractually obligated to respond to any incident I'm assigned?
Q: Will belonging to DR Corps negatively affect my long-term, full-time employment?
Q: How does DR Corps choose which providers are called for each mission?
Q: Will I be compensated for my time deployed in a DR Corps role?
Q: If I am not a U.S. provider, can I still be deployed with DR Corps?
Q: Are there any employment benefits as a member of the corps?
A: The majority of deployments are temporary, and therefore do not entitle the employee to the long-term benefits offered to corporate, full-time positions. For our federal contracts, Front Line EMS always pays more than the Federal Wage Determination for each deployment and also includes a "Health and Wellness" adder included in the daily rate paid to the provider. Belonging to DR Corps will allow you access to certain, exclusive trainings, activities, seminars, and webinars.
Currently, all DR Corps members receive priority selection for Front Line EMS employment opportunities. In fact, Front Line EMS attempts to fill most of their full-time executive and provider positions by sending interview offers to carefully selected members of DR Corps before advertising a position.
Q: Does DR Corps cover any professional liability while providers are practicing through the organization?
Q: What is typically provided by DR Corps when a provider is deployed?
A: Typically, DR Corps will make sure that accommodation (bunks, tent space, or camping areas) and meals are provided to deployed corps members. Gas receipts and any direct cost incurred while on assignment will be reimbursed to the contractor in their next pay disbursement, as long as a copy of the receipt has been received and the expense approved beforehand. On some deployments where mission-related costs are expected, a DR Corps credit card may be issued. You are encouraged to stay in regular contact with your Provider Liaison, as any needed supplies can be sent rapidly, as soon as we are notified of the need.
DR Corps can also provide required Vehicles, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/Gear as well as provider medical kits, but corps members will receive a higher deployment rate/system ranking if they happen to have their own PPE, medical kit, or personal vehicle available to use for the incident.
DR Corps is committed to making sure our providers have their needs met while in the field.